saddleback art league
Saddleback Art League is a 501C corporation. We welcome donations to supplement our programs, events, demonstrations and shows. Donations made to our juried show will be listed in our Program and on our website. We welcome new art products, gift certificates, and cash awards. In addition, gifts of professional services such as jurors, videographers, or educators will be recognized.
As a non-profit organization, we serve the Saddleback Valley area of Orange County California. The purpose of our organization is to foster the appreciation of “fine arts” in the Saddleback Valley. It is our mission to provide artists a place to gather in order to develop as artists and provide an opportunity to exhibit in community art shows.
General meetings are held monthly with guest artists who demonstrate techniques in oil, watercolor, pastel, acrylic and other media. Our general meetings and juried art show are open to the public. Your donations will help local artists. For more information contact us. Our mailing address is: Saddleback Art League, 25108 Marguerite Parkway, Suite A – 325, Mission Viejo, CA 92691.